Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another Fish Forum!

Hello everyone,

First off, a blissful father's day for all fathers out there!

A piece of great news is that the owner of ArowanaFishTalk forum (, has decided to start up a new betta sub-forum under one of the main forums - "Ornamental Fish".

Betta section:

It's a rather established forum, so feel free to register a nickname and join the community. As far as I could remember, registration should be easy as they accept any types of email addresses.

Do note that they do have a huge range of forum sections featuring different fishes. So feel free to browse around, but most importantly, try to populate the betta section, haha.

I will leave you guys with some of my Black Dragons (Breeding stock), please pardon the black water distorting the colouration though.

Black Dragon 1
 Black Dragon 2
 One of the females

Oh, and a final add-on, do check out the stocklist as I am selling a rare piece of dragon colouration - The Yellow Dragon. Great finnage too on this piece, quite excited to find it.

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
SMS 96381858

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Super Black, Pellets and BBS Guide.

Hello fish people,

Sharing some pictures of my 2month old spawn of my favourite Super Black OHMPK. Sadly, he's gone due to old age, so I couldn't do a F2 cross with him. Luckily, he spawned and his genes were at least passed on. Will do an inbreed F2, as well as a cross in the near future.


One of his child.

One interesting fellow, a Black BF? Still young though and might marble further. Will be selling him as I am concentrating on the pure Super Blacks.

Now, an update on my Turquiose Blackhead OHM spawn. Should be looking good!

Father. (Still for sale)


Next, I've introduced a new product in Bettafanism - Pellets for adult bettas. Suitable for bettas 1.5months and above. High in protein and thus, can be rotated around with worms to save costs for the ever hungry fries. As tubifex worms can be rather expensive for a huge spawn. Infomation in the "Fry Food" section. Click here.

Lastly, my personal BBS hatching set-up had been uploaded into the BBS hatching guide. Complete with pictures. Hope this will help clear any doubts in the process of hatching and harvesting this wonderful fry food. Click here.

That's all my friends, enjoy your day!

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
SMS 96381858

Saturday, June 4, 2011

More Post-Aquarama

Hey guys,

For those of you that might have missed out on the Aquarama that was recently over, it's my pleasure to share with you great snapshots captured by my friend, Shaun Goh.

It's an entire album inclusive of other fishes too, the pictures are just amazing!

Please click here for the link. Do note that my friend is constantly adding additional pictures into the album too, so Aquarama pictures or not, simply enjoy, haha.

Some of the bettas taken:

Lastly, do note that some changes had been made to the "Betta Keeping Guide" to prevent misleading. Under "FOOD", about shrimps causing red washes. Do read up the update and changes. Red washes should be 99% due to genetics, and not really food. (Thank you Russet for highlighting.) 

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
SMS 96381858