Wednesday, October 22, 2014


A warm hello to Betta Breeders,

A while back I mentioned I have some young bettas to be for sale soon and I am deeply delighted to groom a small little fellow into a stunning Halfmoon!

Only at 2 months' old, this fellow is relatively small but I isolated him when I discovered his early branching of rays and interesting marbling colouration - The way I like it, like the clouds in the blue sky.

True enough, the branches on the fins continued to grow and as per the picture attached, I managed to groom an awesome young fella. He is now on sale at Bettafanism!

Once he is sold (check above link, good price), hope his new owner will continue to groom him with good water, flaring and food.

More will come!

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
Whatsapp 90283379

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Tubifex Worms Keeping Guide

Hello Friends of Bettas,

Imparting my experience in betta keeping, here's how you keep the fat and nutritious Tubifex Worms alive! Proceed to the guide here:

Adding on, for new readers, please feel free to navigate around Bettafanism Blog for gems on Betta Keeping. I am happy to share what I learn over the years in betta keeping. You may check out the links on the right hand side of this page. Just some examples, please browse about!

Spawning Guide

Betta Keeping Guide

Gender ID Guide

Betta Ray Guide

BBS Hatching Guide

Lazy Man BBS Guide (Only workable with high quality BBS Eggs (Sold here).

and many more!

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter