Saturday, February 21, 2015

Will there be a King amongst the Princes?

Hi Crowntail Lovers out there,

Here's my next project, a King Crowntail Father mated with a cross-ray spawn Crowntail Female; Both are Black Orchids.

For beginners, King Crowntails or KCT are Crowntails with the tip of their finnages (rays) crossed against other set of rays. The female is from Indonesia while I believe the male is from Thailand.

Check out the father (rays are thinner due to age, spawned at about est 6-12 months old age)

You can see that he is definitely a champ at prime!

The female is no less of a beauty:

And from here, you may learn of the term Black Orchid; Whereby the background colour is black and the body's rays and scales are of grey/white base and outlined black. On some cases, Black Orchids may have scales that are blue or green.

Here's an update and I hope to yield many beauties from this! Reason why I want to clear my whites fast, kinda look forward to this spawn!

PS: White Platinum HMPK Juniors are selling like hotcakes, left a few more selling cheaply at $5-10 as I don't really wish to cull yet. Watch them here:

Thanks and Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
Whatsapp 90283379

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Incoming Lunar New Year - White Platinum Halfmoon Plakat Sales

Hello Betta Lovers,

Festive greetings to all!

My White Platinum Halfmoon Plakats are about 2.5 months only but I am jarring alot and running out of space. I am now doing different projects here and there to discover the fun out of breeding other types, like a 3 week old King Crowntail Spawn I have now.

Thus, the Whites will be for sale now! Selling at reasonable rates of $10-$40 depending on quality and quantity. Please note they are juniors and need to be groomed into the likes of the father or mother, some are showing good potential!

Stocklist here:

Thanks and Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
Whatsapp 90283379