Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blacky Dragons

Hello dragon and other betta lovers,

I am currently consolidating a list for you Black Dragon lovers (HMPK) out there to get your hands on some. Once my supplier informs me that he will be bringing in more Black Dragon HMPKs, I will have to inform in how many pieces of males and females to get for me. However, the exact date is unknown, and unguaranteed.

The ordering will be via SMS to me, acknowledging me about the quantity and gender. Once stocks arrive, it will be a first come first serve basis for selection.

Black Dragon HMPKs will be at $60 each, sorry for the steep pricing as thats the best I can set. The cost is very high as the market demand is sky-rocketing and the main suppliers do know about that. Quality will be unknown, but so far, I am satisfied. They are always fully side masked with neat, white scalings. Occassionally, there will be full maskings. Finnage is prominently good too with bettas from this supplier.(Thailand)

I will attach pictures at the bottom of the bloodline these Black Dragons will come from, do SMS me if interested. Details all explained in post.

Once ordered, there will be no refunds and buyers are obligated to collect their bettas by arranging a viewing at my place, Sengkang.

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
SMS 96381858

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blackie black

Hello everyone,

Hope you guys had a wonderful new year! Got a new addition to my collection, fantastic fish, so I thought I should make a short post to share with you guys.

My Super Black HMPK. Consistent and awesome deportment coupled with his huge finnage is what made me purchase him, enjoy!

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
SMS 96381858

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Too eager...

Hi hobbyists around the world,

I might have mentioned before to most of you that due to my prelims and examination in March and May, I had stopped spawning till perhaps, June. However, there were some difficulties on my friends' side regarding the breeding of my White Platiniums. With overwhelming eagerness for my White Platinium line to continue, I spawned a pair of them that I had been keeping, hope they turn out well!

Since the spawning had begun, I figured I might as well launch another project as fry food would take the same effort to produce. Hence, I've managed to cross my Gold HMPK to my White Platinium HMPK female. Not exactly a genetic genius so we shall see what we get in 3months' time. Feel free to enlighten me in the chatbox if you know, or had any experience with this cross.

Another shot of the Gold HMPK, beautiful fish IMO.

However, I doubt I will have the time to jar most of the fries, so we will see how this goes. Will probably cull intensively and jar only the best few.

And here's a great piece of news: I am delighted to inform you guys that my Grand Champion (White Platinium HMPK from Yunfeng Comp Chapter 3) had spawned as well! Will update and hopefully the fries will be looking good.

Adding on, I apologise for the lack of stocks during this period of the year, as always haha. Due to school commitments. Feel free to ask me any questions unanswered by my guides in my chatbox!

Last but not least, here's a picture of a Lavender BF HMPK I decided to keep. Selected from the supplies I got from Thailand some time back, to finish this post off. Some of you might have seen him for sale for a while back then. His sibling is great looking too and for sale cheaply as I am clearing. For more details you may check out the stocklist.

Cheers! :)
Bettafanatic aka Walter
SMS 96381858